Friday, December 19, 2008


How do I get closer to you
When you keep it all on m u t e
How will I know the right way to love you
Usually the Queen of figurin out
Breaking down a man is no work out
But I have no clue
How to get through to you
I wanna hit you just to see if you cry
I keep knockin' on wood, hopin there's a real boy inside
But you're not a man
You're just a Mannequin
I wish you could feel that my love is real
But you're not a man
I wish I could just turn you on
Put a battery in and make you talk
Even pull a string for you to say anything
But with you there is no guarantee
Only e x p i r e d w a r r a n t y
A bunch of b r o k e n parts
And I can't seem to find your heart
I'm such a foolI'm such a fool
I'm such a fool
This one's outta my hands
I can't put you back together again
Cause you're not a man
You're just a Mannequin
I wish you could feel that my love is real
But you're not a man
You're just a, a toy
Could you ever be a real, real boy
And understand
But you're not a man
If the past is the problem
Our future can solve them baby
I could bring you life if you let me inside baby
This will hurt but in the end
You'll be a man
Cause you're not a man
You're just a Mannequin
I wish you could feel that my love is real
You're just a, a toy
Could you ever be a real, real boy
And understand
But you're not a man

THE CAB!!!! -- my CURRENT obsession

If you don't know, NOW you know!!!!! Introducing, THE CAB!!!! I'm totally obsessed with these kids right now! This Las Vegas punk-pop five-piece is heating up the airwaves as well as venues across the country with their intoxicating sound.
Quick facts: Signed to Decaydance Records with the help of Pan!c at the Disco's Spencer Smith. Currently working on a reality show produced by Fallout Boy's Pete Wentz. In 2007, was placed at #75 on Blender's Top 100 Hot Report. Called the "Band You Need To Know" by Alternative Press. Debut album Whisper War was released in April 2008 and was named the #1 Top Heatseaker by Billboard.
Members: Alex DeLeon-vocals, Cash Colligan-bass, Alex Johnson-drums, Alex Marshall-piano, vocals, guitar, Ian Crawford-guitar,vocals.
Hot Singles: I'll Run && BOUNCE!


Starting TODAY, every Friday will feature "FRiDAY Poetry Corner"!!! Whoo hoo!!! Every Friday, I will be bringing your some form of poetry. Whether it be a video of live poetry, just a poem, a haiku, or even just a poet spotlight!!! I hope you guys enjoy the new feature! It's good to get deep every now and then lol! But actually, poetry is just music minus a beat to distract you from the most important part: the words. Enjoy!!!


Thursday, December 18, 2008


These are two of my fave videos on YOUtube! They are sooo funny to ME! Today they are labled Thursday Tickle, but starting next week I will provide you with TUESDAY Tickles every week! Hope you enjoy!!!


How I Feel About MEN Right Now

The title of this post is actually QUITE inaccurate being that at this point in my life, I'm wondering if, aside from my daddy, brother, and grandfather, I've ever met a MAN before. So Serious. I question whether or not they actually exist anymore. And if they do, I know for a FACT that men are an endangered species. However, BOYS are in a definite surplus. But ladies, we must BEWARE because these BOYS tend to come in the package of a MAN. They might dress fly, have money, look good...but deep inside, they play video games...well actually they just play GAMES in general, listen to what their boys say, and believe in having chicks on the side because it makes them look "cool". Being that I live in ATL (!404! bitchessss...), I meet A LOT of BOYS. And when I say a lot, I mean like 9 out of 9. The 10th one that might be worth a damn is a rare bonus. I feel like in recent years, the substandard behavior of men has become widely accepted by women and we are paying for it now. I'm a good woman and deserve a good man. Not saying I haven't met him and he's not in my life right now..I'm just speaking in general terms. As women, we sometimes accept the unacceptable and forgive the unforgiveable. We blame ourselves for things that are out of our control or not our fault. We make excuses for boys who are just going to do the same thing again next week if not tomorrow. In general, I'd rather be alone and happy then deal with some of the bullshit that guys are dealing out these days. I've made a list of 10 things GROWN ASS MEN DO or DON'T DO. ENJOY!
(in no particular order)
1. You don't share a car with your homie, your brother, or your cousin. I shouldn't have to wait for your brother to return from one of his junt's houses to go to the movies.
2. You don't require approval or opinions from your homies, brother/s, cousins, MAMA, etc. I'm not dating them, I'm dating you. WTF?!?! You want me to fuck them too?? Then they can give you some REAL feedback.
3. You do let by-gones be by-gones. No one is perfect. Mistakes will be made. Let it go. Don't bring it up everytime some shit goes down. And if you can't let it go, then BE GONE.
4. You don't turn a situation or argument around. Don't flip the script. If you've done wrong, be wrong, admit it, and we will deal with it. Don't turn some shit on me so that now YOU are the mad one. That's some bullshit.
5. You do keep OUR business to YOURSELF. What we do or don't do is OUR business. Why would you tell your peoples?
6. You don't tell your girlfriend bad things about your ex and then throw her in the current girl's face once you breakup. If you tell me how WACK a chick is, don't try to brag once ya'll get back together ONLY bc we broke up! Wtf?!?! LMBAO!!!! If you tell me how crazy this bitch is and how bad the sex is/was, I'm only going to laugh at you when you get back together with the bitch. Because I know you're with a crazy broad and your sex life suckssssss.
Note: this rule is ESPECIALLY important when the ex in question is UGLY in the first place!!!!
7. You don't constantly talk about money, even if you got it. If you have a nice condo with a descent view (thats now obstructed btw) don't tell say some dumb shit like "I paid a lot for this view"....ask me if I care! Don't tell me how much your shoes cost...or who you know and how you know them. When you have money, people can need to flaunt...because when you flaunt you make me think you haven't had it for too long and you're suuuuper excited about it! LMAO! Or you have something to prove or even worse: something to make up for!
8. You do speak if you see an ex out in public. Especially if you broke up on some bullshit type stuff. Say hello. It won't kill you. It actually makes you look mad mature. Because if you walk by attempting to act like you don't see her, you look stupid. Bitch, you know you saw me! LOL!
9. You do buy her things just because! ((flowers not included...I don't like flowers)). Buy me a pair of shoes you thought I'd like just because it's Friday. Take me out to dinner just because the sex was good yesterday. If you go out of town and you're shopping and you see something that makes you think "Damn, Mo would love this!"....motherfucker, cop that shit!
10. You do realize that your relationship is a priority and comes before MOST things. Life was different before this girl entered your life. Things are bound to change and MUST change. Let them. If you're not putting your relationship @ the top of your list, then you're not putting 100& into it...and when you're putting less than 100% into it, it's bound to fail. If your boys wanna go to the club or play video games but your girl wants to go to dinner or bowling, ditch your boys. There will be other times. Pick and choose your battles.


Sooner or Later......

This is a new one from N*E*R* know...Pharrell aka mr too effin sexxxy does NOT disappoint in this video. The track is from the Seeing Sounds album. Check it out!

Suttin NEW For That Ass!

Charles Hamilton is that newness that you want in your iPod. A Young dude originally from Cleveland who now calls Harlem home, C.Hamilton is bring new sounds into your ear thanks to a list of influences that reads like no other. You'll definitely want to keep an eye AND an ear on this one. Check him out on his myspace .


Soulja Boy Says Sorry

So do you remember a previous post I had concerning Soulja Boy's recent ignorant comments?? (( iF not, Check it out RIGHT HERE! ))...But anyways, now, ya boy is issuing a public apology. Yea Yea Yea...whateva Soulja Boy!! My honest opinion: his mama found out he had been talkin crazy and whooped that ass. She is probably holding the video camera and recording this ish. Givin him that famous "Boy if you dont say sorry" look mama's give us. Regardless of the motivation, I'm not buyin it and I still think he's stupid. Womp Womp Womp Soulja Boy!


Grown-Up (or NOT) Christmas List......

Hey bitchesssss!!!!! Christmas is RIGHT around the corner and I would love to know what you guys are asking for this year!! What's on YOUR Christmas list?!?!? I'm constantly posting some of my favorite items and now I want to know what some of yours are! Who knows?..I might post a readers' fave items post! So SCREAM @ me with your wishlists!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Weezy...What's REALLY Good??

Sooo Weezy F Baby has a new single..."Hot Revolver"...umm yeaa about that! I love Lil Wayne. So serious. Like, we could have been lovers in a previous life. However, this new single has really thrown me for a LOOP. One half of me hates it with a passion and wonders what goodie he was on when he laid this down...the other half of me is wondering if maybe I'm just missing something. I don't know. But this track is definitely not hittin me in a way that makes me rush home and put it on my iPod. If you haven't heard it, check it out and let me know what YOU think! Better luck next time, Weezy.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Gifts For the BOO!!

Morgan Grays Weekender Bag
The G-Shock 10th Anniversary Watch

Crooks & Castles Chain C Script New Era Hat

These are a few of the gifts the special man is my life will have under the tree this Christmas. :) Hey, it's been a good past couple of months...
What are you guys getting your boos for Christmas? Any ideas??

PhD in HiM

If I counted up all the hours
I'd studied
focused on
cried over
cried over
gotten up and been resilient about
not given up on
believed in
believed in
so believed in
ignored my friends advice about
drank over
been sick over
worked out over
collapsed over
smiled over
laughed with
ended things with
began things with
talked about
talked about
did I mention talked about?

I'd have a PhD in him.

By now, I could have had a PhD
in Philosophy,
Internal Medicine,
Middle Eastern Studies,
Stem Cell Research.
But no,

I have a PhD in Him.

Funny how he brings me no income,
no pension,
no future,
no future,
did I mention no future?

No awards ceremonies,
no diplomas in frames,
no sabbatical,
no maternity leave,
no maternity leave,
did I mention no maternity leave?

Funny how he brings me no roth IRA funds,
no medical plan including dental,
no cap with a tassel to hooray in the air,
no well earned celebration,
no sense of security,
no sense of security.

Funny how he became my career,
yes, he became my career,
my daily ambition,
my homework,
my goals,
my to-do list today reads:
him, him, him, him, him.

And so don't ask me what I did this year
I didn't write any plays or books
I didn't so some responsible shit like pursue a back-up career.

I was fully employed in the furry of him
the fury,
the passion,
clocking in 80 hour weeks
while he lounged on false disability
wish I'd hired a scout to bust his scheeming ass,
but see I was too busy working on my degree,

a PhD in HiM.

Graduated valedictorian at the tippy top of my class
magna cum fucking laude
and a waste of fucking time.

hours upon hours
spent figuring out his equations
word problems
crossword puzzles
cracking his codes
philosophising his constitution
over Moet,
oh did I mention vodka?

By now I could've been a brain surgeon,
a novelist,
a Pulitzer Prize winner,
my published books overflowing my fireplace crackling den,
I could have fed undernourished children,
fought terrorism,
volunteered at soup kitchens,
Had a beautiful baby that's now ripe for walking,
But instead,

I have a PhD in HiM.

Wasted hours in the library of man.
My ambition like an inverse fraction became
like the goddamn Do Fund I was
ready, willing, and able
sweeping garbage
wearing my incarcerated slogan with pride
because I was earning my double-major in
his BuLLSHiT
with a minor in
my settling for less

Quiz me,
I know him better than he knows himself
I'm that matriculated doctrate hoe
paid full tuituon at It's All About HiM University.
Ladies, have you visited?

See they pat you down at the gate for self-esteem
and your core syllabus is a well-crafted list of cockamamy lies,
study groups with the girls is in the dungeon dorms
with a clear view of your man relaxing under a shady oak.

You got a paper due Monday morning
titled "My Man Wants To Be Treated Like a Man, But Won't Act Like One."
who's hiring?
any other fools wanna sit in my lecture hall?
hands please!

See now, I'm licensed to teach and preach
sparing my pride
in hopes some other women might ready my dissertation.

See, I have a PhD in HiM,
and my transcript is rolling off my wicked tongue.

I was a diligent student
and brought apples to teachers
sharpened pencils to every class.

Not sure of how my most difficult degree might serve me
but think one day I'll thank him
for reminding me how
I really AM.


I want a love like me thinking of you thinking of me thinking of you TYPE LOVE or me telling my friends more than I've ever admitted to myself about how I feel about you TYPE LOVE or hating how jealous you are but loving how much you want me all to yourself TYPE LOVE. Or seeing how your first name just sounds so good next to my last name.

And shit-

I wanted to see how far I could get without calling you and I barely made it out of my garage.
See, I want a love that makes me wait until she falls asleep then wonder if she's dreaming about us being in love TYPE LOVE or who loves the other more or what she's doing at this exact moment or slow dancing in the middle of our apartment to the music of our hearts.

Closing my eyes and imagining how a love so good could just hurt so much when she's not there and shit, I love not knowing where this love is headed TYPE LOVE.

And check this-

I wanna place those little post-it notes all around the house so she never forgets how much I love her TYPE LOVE,Then not have enough ink in my pen to write all the love TYPE LOVE and hope I make her feel as good as she makes me feel.And I wanna deal with my friends making fun of me the way I made fun of them when they went through the same kind of love TYPE LOVE.

The only difference is this is one of those real love TYPE LOVES.

And just like in high school I wanna spend hours on the phone not saying shit and then fall asleep and then wake up with her right next to me and smell her all up in my covers TYPE LOVE.
And I wanna try counting the ways I love her then lose count in the middle just so I could start all over again.

And I wanna celebrate one of those one-month anniversaries even though they ain't really anniversaries but doing it just 'cause it makes her happy TYPE LOVE.

And check this-

I wanna fall in love with the melody the phone plays when our numbers dial in TYPE LOVE and talk to you until I lose my breath, she leaves me breathless, but with the expanding of my lungs I inhale all of her back into me.

I want a love that makes me need to change my cell phone calling plan to something that allows me to talk to her longer 'cause in all honesty, I want to avoid one of them high cell phone bill TYPE LOVES. And I don't want a love that makes me regret how small my hands are. I mean the lines on my palms don't give me enough time to love you as long as I'd like to TYPE LOVE. And I want a love that makes me st-st-st-stutter just thinking about how strong this love is TYPE LOVE and I want a love that makes me want to cut off all my hair. Well maybe not all of the hair, maybe like I'd cut the split ends and trim my mustache but it would still be a symbol of how strong my love is for her.

I kind of feel comfortable now so I even be fantasize about walking out on a green light just dying to get hit by a car just so I could lose my memory, get transported to some third world country just to get treated and somehow meet up again with you so I could fall in love with you in a different language and see if it still feels the same TYPE LOVE.

I want a love that's as unexplainable as she is.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Have You Ever Made Love To A WEERDO???

If you have EVER slept with ME then the answer the question in the title of this post would be YES!!!! ((big ups to Hollyweerd--my boys!!!-- for the title check them out HERE!!!! )) But back to the topic @ hand...I'm a complete weirdo! So serious. Nothing about me makes any sense. Why anyone likes me, I do not know...but on the other hand I'm so fabulous I don't know why anyone would hate me either. Yup! I think years of constantly being the shit, have finally started to take a tole on my mental and emotional state. I mean, do you even know how it feel to wake up to be the shit AND the urine?!?!? <--thanks Yeezy. Anyhoo, here is a SHORT, but ACCURATE list of the reasons I'm weird...
-i hate fish, but love sushi.
-don't really eat chicken, but cook it for boys.
-i hate the task/chore of applying makeup, but i am fucking bomb at doing it and have a hard time walking out of the house after 5 pm without it. (12 pm if it's a pretty day outside).
-i loooove being loved, but go to drastic measures to push guys away when i feel they actually like me.
-last time i checked, i have been a female since day 1, but i cannot stand females. i think they are probably the most disgusting, petty, wasteful species on earth.
-i love a man that wears a good cologne, but don't like sleeping next to a man wearing any.
-i can't stand when people do not keep their shoe boxes.
-i'm a libra. i constantly wonder what like would be like as another sign. would things be different?
-i can't stand my ex high school/college boyfriend, but i would fuck ANYONE up for him. so serious.
-i have long hair, but i am hell bent on wearing weaves for the dramatic it gives me SOMETHING to relate to my african-american female "counterparts" to.
-i love a guy that can rock a cap, but i don't like when they wear them when it's just us...only in social situations.
-i've always been strangely freaked out by twins and redheads. i don't think anything is natural about either.
-i'm on a mission to create some way for condoms to have a better odor/taste, without you having to be a freak/pervert and buy the "flavored" condoms. so wack.
-i love sex toys, have a grand collection of them....NEVER use them. no one is worth the extra effort.
-i strongly dislike fat people, but kinda wanna see what it's like to date or screw a chubby guy.
-i become strangely intolerable of guys once i realize how sexually unexperienced they are. when a guy says "oh i've never done that before" or "wow, that was cool"...i get pissed. like wanna roll over, go to sleep, and leave as soon as i wake up pissed.
-i hate girls with tattoos, but i have 5 and counting.
-i believe girls should always wear a stiletto, but i have a pretty nice sneaker collection.
-i like to call myself a mindfull person of money, but i will drop a grip and a half on a nice pair of shades, tattoos, shoes, and miscelleaneous gifts for my man (when i have one).
-i've always been a believer that a girl should never date a dude younger than herself, yet the ONE younger guy i dated has been my fave.
-i've always had athlete boyfriends, but my fave was NOT an athlete...and that fact always annoyed me.

ok i'm done...
i'm weird...


So with the year 2008 coming to a rapid and much needed end, I think it's the perfect time for everyone to do a little reflecting on this past year. I am a true believer that one of the core values in life is FORGiVENESS. Being that I am a Libra, this is something I struggle with EVERYDAY. Seriously, I can hold a grudge so long it makes NO SENSE. When you can no longer remember why you are angry with someone, it's a problem. But, so often we are so hurt by a person that we remain angry or bitter. Sometimes it is because our pride is hurt, our feelings are hurt...and sometimes it's just because we are fucking fed up or annoyed. But at the end of the day, you have to keep in mind that at some point in time, you liked that cared about that may have even loved that person. When you go from spending everyday with someone or talking to someone everyday to all of a sudden never speaking to them, it leaves an empty place for all parties involved. But you being the stubborn and "angry" one, probably don't even know it. The funny thing is that 9 times out of 10, someone has done something wayyyy more fucked up to you in the past and you have forgiven them, but because it was THIS person or because it was THIS week, it was more than you could or would take and you decided to throw dueces. And you probably think it is or was your right to do so. I mean, HEY!, you have other friends...other girls...other boys...just people and things OTHER THAN THEM. But keep this in mind...there was a point in time when that person made you smile...a text or call from them made a bad day seem a little bit more bearable...the two of you laughed at stupid things...and other people wished they could be as fly&&flashy as the two of you. And realize that this same person probably misses you more than they could ever put into they will soon stop trying to. And they are sorry for everything ever did or didn't do. This person showed weakness in that moment in which they made you upset, but the sad thing is NOW you are showing your own weakness in your lack of forgiveness and understanding. We all make mistakes. Reverse the situation and ask yourself if you think that the person you're mad at would have forgiven you if the shoe had been on the other foot. Chances are, they probably would have. Chances are you've probably done things that have hurt or angered them...and they've already forgiven you...if they haven't, they will. Life is way too short to spend it being bitter. Or to spend your days trying to forget someone who might change your life if you let them. You never know someone's place or purpose in your life. So don't try to play God. Let HIM decide who is supposed to stay around and who is not. Like I said, we all make mistakes...and you never know what was going on in that person's life or head on the day they "pissed you off". Give people the benefit of the doubt...because you never know people's true intentions. And always remember there was a day when you needed or wanted someone to forgive you...and there will be more of those days to come.
Trust Me.
Believe Me.
Call if you need Me.
But most of all, FORGIVE ME.


"We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies."
--Martin Luther King, Jr.

"We read that we ought to forgive our enemies; but we do not read that we ought to forgive our friends."
--Sir Francis Bacon

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong."
--Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Real (FAKE) Housewives of Atlanta DRAMA!!!

Now, I was watching The Real Housewives of Atlanta every Tuesday, just like the black female population...BUT since the end of the season, numerous rumors and reports have circulated concerning the REAL LIFE financial status' of some of the cast. It has been reported that both Sheree and NeNe have lost the homes that they were RENTING for the show. Well, last night, Atlanta's Fox 5 I-Team did an investigation into NeNe Leakes and her husband Greg Leakes. Not so ballin afterall......check out the video above.


And I'm Baaaack!!

Hey bitchessss. Sorry I've been M.i.A. for a few days, I've been busy moving into my new condo....which has been SO MUCH MORE stressful than I antcicipated. And fyi: painting is OFFiCiALLY for the birds!!!! That's what I get for wanting to be "hands-on". We will PAY people from now on. Anyway, this is just a little "I'm Back" post. I hope everyone is having a wonderful week thus back to the madness!!!!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008


So Friday night in Australia, Kanye West reminded us ALL why we LOVE HIM SO. After a retarted concertgoer threw a penny onstage @ Yeezy, he did a very special freestyle for them and even got the crowd involved. CHECK IT OUT!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

If a Man Is Wearing These When I Meet Him, I'll MARRY HIM!!

ADiDAS is CRUSHiNG the game. Point...Blank...Period. These shoes come straight from the Jeremy Scott For adidas Originals by Originals Collection. This Metro Attitude Hi features a Mettallic Gold upper mixed with a Black midsole and outsole colorway that comes equipped with removable metallic leather flaps/wings. Another colorway scheduled to release of this adidas Metro Attitude Hi (JS Wings) in addition to this Metallic Gold colorway is an all White colorway that was seen on Kanye West’s feet while performing in the UK a couple weeks ago. Both pairs are slated to drop Spring 09.


The AMAZiNG people over at NiKE are BLESSiNG all of us come SPRiNG 2009 with the CRAZY FAB SAFARi Pack...the pack comes with 5 Hi-tops and 2 Low-tops. Every pair comes fully equipped with ZoomAir insoles. To commemorate 20 years of the Swoosh’s ACG line, every pair features Safari print on the toe and eyelets, with the aforementioned pair and the black and rave pink highs both adding it on the toe and rear quarter/heel. Make sure to cop them when they drop in 2009!!!!


Yeahhhh didn't think so!

Monday, December 1, 2008


And because I'm a good ex, I have to give a HUGE Shoutout to my fave lil ex and his team the University of Tennessee Volunteers!!!!!! WHOO HOO!!!!! Great job in the Old Spice Classic this past weekend. It looks like it's going to be an AMAZiNG SEASON!!!! GOOD LUCK and GO VOLS!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

This Is What "Yes, I've Upgraded" Looks Like

Hate if you must.

P A R A N O i D

So yes I'm still raving about this latest Yeezy I said in a previous post, if you haven't copped 808's && Heartbreak (or as I like to refer to it: Mo, Get Your Shit Together Like ASAP Before You Never Find A Man), then you need to get in your car right now and go COP IT...PLEASE DO NOT download it you bitches. Okay, but real quick:
I was recently having a convo with one of my dearest friends about how I know I'm that chick in the "Heartless" AND in "Paranoid"...we ended up discussing both songs in depth. When we got to "Paranoid" she said something that REALLY got me thinking and I wanted to share it with you (especially my ladies)...she said, "Morgan, if you're paranoid about this, that, and the third...this girl...that girl...why he's out...why he hasn't called...THEN you're wasting a bunch of time and you're making yourself look stupid and pathetic. What you REALLY need to be wondering is why you think so LITTLE of YOURSELF to be so PARANOID. If you think a guy might be cheating or might be actin a has nothing to do with that guy. It has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that you don't think enough of yourself to think someone could be good to you. And that's where your problem is. But I'm just sayin....MAN DOWN!"

Yung Berg Needs To Have A Seat...For Real For Real!

Soooo I'm already not a fan of Yung Berg's dumbass in the first place...I can REALLY do without him. But this dude has really gone off the deep end. The "rapper" who has previously made negative statements about darker skinned women is slated to have his own reality dating show...and get this, he and his management team are attempting to cast ALL DARK SKINNED GIRLS!!! ((does he REALLY think this makes up for him referring to darker women as "dark butts" and saying he doesn't find them attractive??)) His management team has reached out to the casting company in charge of casting ladies for the show requesting darker skinned girls in an attempt to "find exceptional stand out beautiful dark skin/brown skin women to showcase all races of beauty on the show”. He's really interested in casting video model Jeri J. because he claims she is "pretty for a dark skin shorty".
What a LOAD of CRAP!!!! This guy REALLY thinks we are idiots. I truly pray that Jeri J. doesn't do the show. She needs to tell this kid that she only works for REAL RAPPERS/ENTERTAINERS....
In closing, Yung Berg, go sit down serious.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

You Shoulda known he would get his OWN post!!!!

On a day when you are supposed to give thanks for things and people that you have in your life, I find myself giving thanks for someone who I no longer have in my life physically. They say some people come in your life to teach things and their stay may only be seasonal. Well, David taught me that things don't have to be perfect, but they can still be beautiful. I miss him everyday and he holds a place in my heart that no one can ever touch. I know he keeps me safe and sane...and because of him I am forever blessed.
David: I don't think you can even believe how much I miss you. Every day, every minute, every second..I am missing you. It's still hard to believe you are gone. It seems like just yesterday we were sitting in the parking lot of that pool party Julian was at spying through the fence, wondering if we should let him stay because it looked a little out of control!! LOL! Man, I miss you. So many things have changed since you've been gone...I find myself meeting new people and not even giving them a chance at being a good friend because I just would rather have YOU back. My heart aches with a pain that I never knew one person could feel. I feel so selfish because I know you are at peace and I know you're in a better place, but I want you with me...with all of us. I know I shouldn't feel that way, but I do. I see people with their best friends out and about or in their little Facebook pictures...and I can't help but be jealous and a little angry because my best friend isn't here anymore...we can't take anymore pictures...I can't call him and tell him how bad my day was. I was just telling Julian the other day about that time we all went to Seikisui (me, you, Coleman, and Espe)...and you ordered the oysters and after you had JUST finished telling us how gross they were Coleman stuffs some in his mouth...we couldn't stop laughing. I miss laughing with you. I even miss fighting with you. I can't help but wonder if you would be proud of the person I am or the person I am becoming. Sometimes I know you wouldn't. But I try to do a little better everyday. I know I'm not the same...and to be honest, I'm kind of a mess. I don't let myself get close to anyone because I'm afraid I will lose them. I even ended some of my closer friendships after you left...I was just too scared. I'm trying though...I'm trying. My heart is broken...sometimes I wonder if it's even still there. If it is, I know it's in a million pieces and it's as cold as ice. I know I should be getting it together by now...I guess I'm still waiting for you to come back and say it was all a joke so I can yell at you and then give you my famous "don't do that shit again, David...oh you're smilin like I'm you, too." But anyway, I'll stop rambling. But I just wanted you to know how much I love you...and I'm so sorry if I didn't tell you as much as I should have...because God knows you told me every single chance you got that you loved me. I'm sorry for all the time I wasted being mad or upset or jealous...but for every time I was "mad", I hope you know I never didn't care or never stopped loving you. I loved you everyday. I still do. I realized I can't call your leaving a "loss". Because I'm not a loser. There's no way I couldve had someone like you in my life and be a loser. I'm a winner. I won the ultimate prize. Having had you in my life makes me have so much faith in God...because he thought enough of me to place you in my life. I am forever thankful. David, I love you...I miss you...I love you.
"Morgan, you know me so well and I know at this point you know all of my games and you won't take any of my bullshit and that's probably why it can't work. And it makes me really mad. But it's also why I love you so much and why we will always have each other. Now, call and see where Eppie's house is."--David R. Boyd II

Some of the People I Am THANKFUL For!

These are a few pics of me and the people who mean sooo sooo much to me!!! I'm definitely thankful for all of them!! Yessss....and of course I included myself! WTF!


So it's Thanksgiving again and I know EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU has SOMETHING to be thankful for...and if you can't think of anything, be thankful for the computer or cellie that allows you to access Stiletto Stories! Yee dig?!? I'm thankful for so many things. It's been a interesting, stressful, yet oh so blessed year. Here are the TOP 10 things I'm THANKFUL FOR:
10. Having my little brother in the A ( a freshman at MOREHOUSE COLLEGE)!!!
9. The body of a GODDESS....
8. Stilettos...because everyone knows they can MAKE any outfit...PLUS every boy loves a high heel (with or WITHOUT clothes to match).
7. Sooo many SUSHI restaurants in ATL and So many friends that will eat sushi with me on any given day at any given time.
6. Lips that keep the boys comin....
5. My new condo.
3. Every single BOY that has taught me any lessons on life&&love.
2. Rainy days that allow you to stay inside with the one you care about and get to know them even better.
1. An AMAZING GOD who proves to me over and over that he is in control in my life and he has so many wonderful things in store for me. Thank you Lord for showing me that no matter how hard it might seem, you'll never bring me to it not to bring me through it. *Weeping may endure for a night, but joy commeth in the morning.*

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Who Said TOYS are for kids?!?!

My MUST-HAVE accessory of the YEAR comes from the awesome people @ ToyWatch. This company makes some of the most AMAZING watches ever!!!! You can find many of your fave celebs sporting them. They are ridiculously hot. They have watches to fit almost every budget and every style. Above are some of my faves! You can find more @!

ALL MY SiNGLE LADIESSS....these kicks are for YOU!

This is the 2009 version of the Nike WMNS Air Force 1. This time around, they are making the shoe high-top, which of course the ladies are rockin mighty hard these days. These come sporting a tonal White on White floral pattern on the upper as well as a mix of patent leather and premium leather. These pretties are expected to hit stores in time for Valentine's Day. So ladies, be on the look out!!!

Barneys x ALiFE

Barneys has once again teamed up with ALiFE to create a few siiick shoes. I don't even usually like patent, but these go pretty hard. They have brought back the very popular "Everybody" style in the form of the "Patent Pack". They are available now, ahead of time for Black Friday shopping, exclusively at and Barneys co-op locations for $140.

How Could You Be So *heartLESS*

So I've been off the blog for awhile...been busy doing some reflecting. You know how that goes. As the year comes to a close, a lot of us tend to reflect on the past year and grade ourselves. Well overall, I give myself a C+. Hey, I'm an honest chick. BUT, as always you find these crazy random things that you need to work on. Thanks to KANYE WEST, I have found something I need to work on kinda on the ASAP tip.
First of all, if you haven't copped the Kanye West "808s && Heartbreak" album, you're slackin. But that's neither here NOR there. I'm sure you have heard the song "Heartless". ((It's that shit)). Here's what I've realized...that crazy mean heartless bitch he's talking about.....
THAT'S ME!!!!!!!!
I AM that heartless girl he is talking about. You see, I have spent my life reeling these guys in (some good, some bad). I reel them in on hope, dreams, sex appeal, and "love"&&affection ONLY to flip the script on them when they least expect it. One day I am all over this guy on some crazy in love type shit...the next day I'm screaming and yelling, damn near making a list of everything wrong with them. The funny part is, I do all of this nonsense, only to attempt to reel them in again. A few of them aren't havin it...a few of them are. I send these guys on a crazy rollercoaster ride only to be standing there when the ride is over with this "baby, why aren't we talking" or "baby, why are you mad at me" look on my face. This is a problem.
Now, THIS is what REALLY gets to me...I don't play these childish games with the bad know those boys I really shouldn't be dating in the first place...the ones that treat me wrong and all that shit. NOPE! They get the ROYAL treatment. It's the GOOD guys, who get sent for a tailspin. I feel bad for the poor guys...because they meet the nice, chill, super down Morgan. The one that makes them be like "yeah, she's that chick." But, by the time it's all said and done, they are asking themselves "why did I ever fuck with her?" And this just shouldn't be. However, it is the story of my life. Today...that shit changes.
You're probably wondering what started this whole rant (mother fucker, like I told you earlier, it was YEEZY). DAMN! Pay attention! But it was ALSO this really cool guy that I did in. I'll give you a QUICK synopsis: met him @ his job...sooooo super cute....nicest guy I've met in awhile...we clicked like instantly (call is same sense of humor or sarcasm if you will)...started kickin it...texting all the time...i ADORED him...BUT he was one of those guys who knows EVERY POSSIBLE GIRL in the city of ATL...and that annoyed me...because not only did he know them, but he would speak to them IN FRONT OF that triggered something in me...I went into *heartless* mode...but not only that, I went into *PARANOID* mode as well (Kanye was on some REAL TALK on this album)...I was constantly asking "why are you talking to this girl, that girl" became something I didn't want it to become...I became THAT girl...and that's not even of course I turned it on him on some real ruthless type stuff...just being a bitch...he wasn't having of course I then resorted to the pathetic girl role(which all of my ladies know is really PANIC mode)...he was DEFINITELY not having that...kinda givin me the whole "you dug yourself this hole..." shit....words were exchanged, things were said, a scene was caused at his workplace (lmao..ok thats not even funny)...but long story short, it was OVER.
Now looking back on it, I realize that he wasn't trying to disrespect me or hurt me...he's just honestly a NICE guy who has mad friends (girls and guys). Period. And at the end of the day I'm left feeling stupid because hands down, he is the COOLEST guy I have met since moving to Atlanta. No questions. Ladies: you know how you have dinner with your girls and all you say is "i just wanna meet a cool guy who makes me laugh, is not on some bullshit, calls me when he says he will call, etc". Well, I had him. And uhhh that's all bad.
I'm someone who is honest with myself...I won't kid myself and ever say that fence can be mended although I really hope it can be one day. But, I will say that it's one of the biggest learning experiences if I ever had and if I needed to lose an amazing guy, then I can find peace and contentment in that. You live, you learn, and you grow...sometimes at the expense of others and sometimes at your OWN expense.
To that guy: You are the SHIT. Period. Don't ever let ME or ANYONE else tell you otherwise. I was an idiot and some little kid type stuff. Real talk. I can admit that. From every heartfelt part of my being, I APOLOGIZE to you for the madness. NONE of that was on YOU. It was all ME and my insecurities. You did nothing but make me laugh and make me Chef Boyardee at 4 am. :) You are the best and I really hope you find hapiness no matter who it is with or who it is without. You're a little on the weird side (with your random sarcastic comments, obsession with fashion and music, and slight alcoholism)...but I guess that makes you even more amazing. But yea, I apologize to you because that person was not even ME. ("This fashion show sucks, let's go home and makeout...I just think we should go home and make out") LMAO...Oh and as for that "other half" of yours...he's the shit too...DEFINiTELY an alcoholic, but the shit nonetheless. I truly adore the both of you.
To my readers: PLEASE do NOT think these random, personal rants will happen frequently. Because they will NOT! I just had to get this off of my chest and have a diary moment. Most of that probably didn't even make sense to you anyways...and it wasn't supposed to. Now, back to the fashion, gossip, bullshit, and everything else!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wearing Your 'HEART ON YOUR SLEEVE' Is The Latest Fashion

Now, I've never been the biggest fan of Aubrey O'Day (of Danity Kane), but something about this girl is kinda loveable. Her newest clothing line, Heart on My Sleeve, has debued and I'm actually liking it. Above are some of my fave items from the line. You can find these items and many more @!!

End of the Night (morning) Thoughts.......

i really am hating this cold weather. i love cold weather fashion. i can sleep all day tomorrow. gotta go get those new rock&republics tomorrow. eppie told me about some video thing she wants me to get hip to...gotta do that. i miss eppie. he was a loser, but at least i got a comfy ass pair of Morehouse sweats out of our union. the ex had a good game tonight...good for him. chev needed some freaky songs for some party he's dj-ing soon...glad i wont be @ that rompfest. gotta get my dior shades from ron's tomorrow. guess i wont be sleeping all day afterall. it's weird when you realize childhood had officially ended. i get better with age. iphone or blackberry bold? get it shawty. i love how certain girls are copying my blog style. haters = motivators and OFTEN imitators. need to wash the makeup off of my face. perhaps i will plop on the couch and watch old episodes of family guy & robot chicken. fuck that. i miss fraggle rock. asians never turn off their blinker after theyve already switched lanes or turned...gotta love em anyway. im blessed. im a blessed mess. fuck gotta see if i won the mega millions...gotta love the ga lottery...well if i win.


I LOVE this cute baby tee, so I posted it for the ladies! It can be found EXCLUSIVELY @ as part of the new 90120 collection.
OH AND FYI: Speaking of 90120, the FAB && SEXXXY Lauren London will SOON be joining the cast of the New 90210! If you haven't been watching already, I suggest you start!